St. Julie Billiart
Catholic Church
5500 Lear Nagle Road
North Ridgeville, OH 44039
Mailing Address & Offices:
5545 Opal Street, NR 44039
Spaghetti Dinner Fundraiser
The 2019 Spaghetti Dinner was a huge success. A profit of $1,600 was sent to St. Mary Seminary to help offset the educational expenses of our own seminarian, Jim Livingston.
The dinner included Homemade Sauce (not jar), Meatballs, Salad, Ice Cream, Coffee, Soft Drinks
Lovingly prepared and served by K of C Council 7970
$10 per person;
$2 children 10 years and under

General Information
This is an annual event that benefits any current seminarians of St. Julie Parish. The proceeds help offset the cost of tuition. The Spaghetti Dinner is held In November.
We are proud to say that we currently have one seminarian at our parish, James Livingston. Click here to learn a little more about our seminarian.
Here's How it Works
Watch for the 2020 Spaghetti Dinner information.
How Do I Get Tickets?
Tickets are sold at the door only!
How Can a Volunteer Help?
Help with ticket sales
Help with shopping before the dinner
Set up the back of church (Maintenance can help with the heavy lifting ahead of time if a request is given to the office.)
Set up dinner supplies
Donate a basket full of fun stuff (non-alcoholic) to be raffled
Donate a first-prize gift certificate (Example: a $25 gift certificate for Fiesta Jalapeno’s)
Collect tickets
Help with clean-up and tear down
Contact Information
Coordinators Ted and Jan Laponni
Ted Lapponi: 440‑327-1978 or TedLapponi@gmail.com.