St. Julie Billiart
Catholic Church
5500 Lear Nagle Road
North Ridgeville, OH 44039
Mailing Address & Offices:
5545 Opal Street, NR 44039
Respect Life
The Respect Life Group keeps us apprised of Pro-Life issues and needs, recruits volunteers, and tries to enable each parishioner to be actively Pro-Life. The Group exists to foster respect for all human life from conception to natural death. Activities fall into four main areas:
Compassionate Care
Public Policy
Abortion necessarily plays a central role because abortion is a direct attack against the most vulnerable and defenseless members of the human family. The policy and practice of allowing over a million abortions annually cannot but diminish respect for life in other areas.
The Respect Life Group typically meets every other month and new members are always welcome. For more information, please call Susan and John DeLaat at 440‑327‑2398.

If you’re pregnant and need help
Birthright is a free pregnancy support service that will give you immediate and personal help with your concerns. When you call Birthright at 440‑324‑9566, a trained volunteer will listen to you. Those who talk with you have a sincere desire to help you deal with your concerns.
Birthright will also help you find the community services and resources that are available to you. Rather than duplicating the services of existing social service agencies, Birthright works with them to provide for your needs. If you want any particular counseling or agency care, Birthright can set up the lines of communication for you - in privacy, with no delay.
If you’d like help in any way, call Birthright at 440‑324‑9566 or visit https://birthright.org/Elyria.
How you can help Birthright carry out their mission:
Please pray regularly for the volunteers and clients at Birthright. You can also donate new and gently used mom and baby clothing throughout the year. St. Julie Billiart parish holds two special events each year to provide material assistance to Birthright:
Collecting new baby items as "Gifts for Baby Jesus" at Christmas
Collecting new and gently used baby items during our "Christmas in July"
Walking With Moms In Need
Help Before and After Your Baby is Born!
Learn about More Local Resources here.
For Women who are suffering after an abortion
Bethesda, The House of Mercy is a ministry of The Community of Jesus, the Living Mercy, a lay community within the world-wide Good Shepherd family of ministries and communities. Founded in 1990 by the Sisters of the Good Shepherd, Bethesda provides a community of healing and a sanctuary of hope for persons wounded by abortion. Through a process of reconciliation women are restored to the dignity of their calling to be bearers of Christ's life and love to the world. Men are strengthened to protect the dignity of women through a life that is dedicated to honor, purity and truth. For more information, contact The Community of Jesus, the Living Mercy, at 1‑800‑482‑4100 or visit hopeafterabortion.com.
Human Life Videos from the Diocese of Cleveland
Faith and Healing - Part I
Watch the first video in our Faith and Healing series, which features Christy, a woman who struggled to move past having an abortion at age 16, but who has found faith and forgiveness as she gives back to women facing the same challenges she once did.
Faith and Healing - Part II
Our second video in our Faith & Healing series features Maureen, a psychiatric nurse practitioner in the OB/Gyn field, who counsels women and promotes the programs offered by the Catholic Church for those seeking hope and healing after abortion.
Faith and Healing - Part III
​Our third video features the Gabriel Project, a Christian, church-based outreach offering immediate and practical help to women and families facing an unplanned or challenging pregnancy.
If you know someone considering abortion, God has given you the opportunity to be a lifesaver!
Rescue Kits are available in the literature rack in the church foyer. In the Rescue Kit are various brochures and other information that can equip you to help someone you know decide in favor of life. Pick up a Rescue Kit, look through the various materials, and prayerfully decide which information will be most helpful. Pray like crazy, and then go talk to the person you know considering abortion. Through you, God can work a miracle!
Come Pray With Us!
Our parish participates in 40 Days for Life including the 40 Days for Life Prayer Vigil at the Planned Parenthood abortion facility in Bedford Heights with a simultaneous prayer time in the St. Julie Billiart chapel. We are witnessing abortion facilities closing, expectant moms choosing life, abortion workers quitting, and those who have participated in past abortions coming to healing. Our prayers are making a difference! For more information, please call Susan and John DeLaat at 440‑327‑1978.
Praise the Lord! Our Prayers are being Answered.
Through regular prayer by St. Julie parishioners and others, the Family Planning Services of Lorain County chemical abortion facility in North Ridgeville closed. And through our parish prayers as part of 40 Days for Life, we saw the abortion facility on State Road in Cleveland initially move and then close. These are wonderful answers to prayer and will result in saved lives!
"America will not reject abortion until America sees abortion."
Fr. Frank Pavone
Priests for Life has developed the website "Looking Abortion in the Eye" to help the American people comprehend what abortion is. Visit www.priestsforlife.org/images/and share this website with others.