St. Julie Billiart
Catholic Church
5500 Lear Nagle Road
North Ridgeville, OH 44039
Mailing Address & Offices:
5545 Opal Street, NR 44039
Funerals - (Mass of Resurrection)
How do I start the process of planning a funeral?
Call the parish office at 440‑327‑1978 to begin arrangements for your loved one.
Planning a funeral for someone we love is a daunting task. We are all created for love. We love our family our friends, our neighbors. But when someone we love dies, we are navigating through uncharted and emotion-filled times. Our grief may be overwhelming and we may need a little help planning a celebration of life. Our clergy and staff will guide you with that planning process in those very difficult times.
Planning Guide for Mass of Resurrection
This guide has been prepared to assist your family in planning the Mass of Resurrection for your loved one here at St. Julie Billiart Catholic Church. We will have funeral information and helpful guidelines available during your planning visit. You will take home a folder of reading selections, sample petitions, and available music necessary to plan a personal liturgy experience.
Below is an on-line version of that Liturgy Planning Folder.
We hope, by choosing your own Scripture Readings, Responsorial Psalm, Intercessions, and Liturgical Music, you and your family might share fully in the Liturgy and express your love and care for the recently deceased. The clergy assigned to St. Julie Billiart will be the Principal Celebrant of the Funeral Mass.
If your family has a request for a visiting priest to con-celebrate the Mass, consult with Fr. Franco, and we will do our best to accommodate your wish. Please be assured of the prayers of our entire staff and family of St. Julie’s during this time of Bereavement.
St. Julie Billiart Catholic Church
On-Line Planning Guide for the Mass of Resurrection
(For use in completing the Planning Sheet for the Mass of Resurrection)
Click here to see and/or print a copy of the Planning Sheet for the Mass of Resurrection.
I. Introductory Rites (Welcoming of the body and family at the rear of church)
When you arrive at the Church, the Priest and Servers will greet the family and casket outside (weather permitting) or in the Main Vestibule. At that time the Mass will begin with the Sprinkling of Holy Water and the placing of the Pall over the casket. Your family members may wish to assist in the placing of the Pall. The Pall symbolizes the white garment placed on us at Baptism. Family members are encouraged to assist in this ritual.
II. Liturgy of the Word
Family members are encouraged to proclaim the Scripture Readings at the Funeral Mass. Please try to choose individuals with clear speaking voices to minister as Lector as the readings are meant to bring comfort to those who are hearing the proclamation. Please give your Lectors (readers) a copy of the selected Scripture Reading so that they may prepare in advance. If there is no one to serve as Lector, the Priest will proclaim the readings.
A. THE FIRST READING is taken from the Old Testament unless the funeral takes place in the Easter season.
Click here to see a SUMMARY of available choices of First readings OUTSIDE of the Easter Season.
Click here to see a printable copy of the FULL First readings OUTSIDE of the Easter Season.
Click here to see a SUMMARY of available choices of First readings DURING the Easter Season.
Click here to see a printable copy of the FULL First readings DURING the Easter Season.
B. THE RESPONSORIAL PSALM is always sung by the Music Director.
Click here to see a printable copy of available choices of Responsorial Psalms.
C. THE SECOND READING is taken from the New Testament.
Click here to see a SUMMARY of available choices of Second readings.
Click here to see a printable copy of the FULL Second readings.
D. THE GOSPEL is normally selected by the Homilist, and is always proclaimed by the Priest or Deacon.
Click here to see a printable copy of several FULL Gospel readings.
E. THE GENERAL INTERCESSIONS (PETITIONS) can be read by a friend or family member, or the Priest.
Click here to see a printable copy of several sets of Petitions.
III. Liturgy of the Eucharist
A. Family members are encouraged to present the gifts of BREAD and WINE at the Funeral Mass during the
singing of the Presentation Hymn. Please select two to four family members or friends to present the gifts.
B. After Communion there may be a brief eulogy presented by a family member or friend.
PLEASE NOTE: The General Instruction of the Roman Missal does not include any type of a Eulogy during the Funeral Liturgy. It is suggested that these remarks be shared at the wake, cemetery, or gathering after the interment. Our Priests would greatly appreciate any personal information from the Family that he may include in the Homily during the Liturgy.
C. Family members approach the Book of Resurrection and inscribe the name of the deceased.
PLEASE NOTE: It is the policy of the Diocese of Cleveland that only Extra-ordinary Ministers of the Eucharist commissioned for St. Julie Billiart can assist in the distribution of Eucharist.
IV. Liturgical Music
It is by Diocesan policy, and that of St. Julie Billiart Church, that all music for the Mass of Christian Burial be from our parish hymnal or sacred classical music. In reverence for the sanctity of the Holy Mass, Broadway or secular songs are inappropriate and are not permitted. The Mass is a living sacrifice and so all music must be live, no CD or pre-recorded music may be used at the Church during the Mass.
By parish policy, St. Julie Billiart, requires the ministry of the parish Director of Music to play and cantor the Mass. The music director has been trained and formed in the rites of the Catholic Mass and will ensure the sung parts of the Mass are ministered appropriately. If a family member is a cantor in their Catholic Parish, they may assist in ministering at the Mass. Please contact the parish priest or music director before making arrangements for a guest cantor.
Click here to see a list of available Liturgical Music.
Memorial Masses
Our Parish often receives requests on ways that their loved ones can be memorialized. You are invited to stop in the Parish Offices where we will be happy to help you with Mass Offerings for the upcoming year.
Frequently Asked Questions - Catholic Funerals
Click here to see FAQ about Catholic Funerals
Grieving with Great Hope
(Streaming Videos, DVDs, or Workshops)
Guided by the Holy Spirit, Good Mourning Ministry is a resource to Catholic Parishes and to those who are mourning the loss of loved one. Their vision is to be bearers of hope, to be a healing ministry by offering a transforming experience that is prayerful, practical and personal. The intention is to equip grieving people with the tools they need to build a bridge that leads them into a new and different life.
Where can I learn more about Grieving With Great Hope?
Click here to learn more about the Grieving With Great Hope series at Good Mourning Ministry (a Catholic Bereavement Apostolate since 2011).
How Can I see streaming videos of Grieving With Great Hope?
Go to stjuliebilliart.formed.org
Create an account with your own password.
Search on Formed.org for the word "Grief" and you will be directed to a section of that website that provides all five video workshops (Free through our paid subscription for our parishioners)
Other Bereavement Gatherings
The Catholic Cemeteries Association in the Diocese of Cleveland offers monthly bereavement gatherings. Click here to learn more.