St. Julie Billiart
Catholic Church
5500 Lear Nagle Road
North Ridgeville, OH 44039
Mailing Address & Offices:
5545 Opal Street, NR 44039
Adult Education
The purpose of adult education is to deepen the understanding of our faith and to grow spiritually. We have two distinct types of adult education at St. Julie's:
Each year St. Julie's co-hosts a Parish Mission with St. Peter's parish. The mission is offered in Lent or Advent, depending on availability of speakers. There is no cost to attend, although there is often a free-will offering.
Educational programs take place at various times throughout the year based upon interest and availability. Some courses require review of materials, and answering questions related to the topic. Attendees at these courses are asked to cover the cost of materials for classroom sessions, but no one is turned away due to lack of funds.
Please consult the parish bulletin for current information about our Parish Mission and other educational programs.

Lenten Mission 2019

Jon Leonetti, 2018 Mission

[Editor's note: This was written during the height of the Covid pandemic; the material is still available.]
A parishioner shared with me information on a podcast that I found quite interesting and inspiring. During a year where we find ourselves spending much time separated from each other, it feels like a personal invitation to journey with the Lord. It is an opportunity for each of us to follow at our own pace and from the safety and comfort of our homes.
Each day, a 20-25 minute session will guide us through several readings, a reflection, and end with a guided prayer. A few moments every day to learn and be strengthened by the holiest of books.
The Bible in a Year podcast is offered through Ascension Press and is hosted by Fr. Mike Schmitz. A brief introduction from Fr. Schmitz is located here.
To register for this series, please click here.