St. Julie Billiart
Catholic Church
5500 Lear Nagle Road
North Ridgeville, OH 44039
Mailing Address & Offices:
5545 Opal Street, NR 44039
Liturgical Ministries
It is a privilege and joy to serve in the liturgical ministries, and invite others to join in service to our parish community. At St. Julie Parish we believe that many hands make light work. God has given each of us unique talents and interests, and He expects us to use our gifts in His service and the service of others.
This page offers a glimpse of the ways we can serve during the celebration of The Eucharist.
There are many rewards for serving in the Liturgical Ministries. While we serve Our Lord we make new friends in Christ. Where ever your treasure is their too will be your heart. Enjoy.
Art and Environment
Enhances the liturgical space for the celebration of the liturgy. Its purpose is to enrich the experience of the parishioners when they attend services.
Prepares the sanctuary area for the weekend liturgies, according to the liturgical calendar and special ceremonies with an array of seasonal plants, flowers and decorations.
How Can I Volunteer?
Contact the parish office at 440.327.1978
Our Sacristans prepare the altar for Mass. Some also open and close the building and are trained to use our livestream and recording software. They set up the sacred vessels for Liturgy of the Eucharist and return them to the Sacristy after Mass. Sacristans also are responsible for setting up for Liturgy of the Word.
How Can I Volunteer?
Call the office or email sjbschedules@yahoo.com for additional information.
Current Schedule:
See the Ministry Schedules page.
Altar Servers
Adult Servers:
Call the office if interested in this important ministry. 440‑327‑1978, stjbc@stjuliebilliart.org Adult servers at St. Julies wear business/dress attire and assist the celebrant during Mass.
Student Servers:
Student altar servers assist at weekend Masses. We are always looking for more students to serve! Training is provided as needed. Servers will learn the names of the items used at Mass, the flow of the Mass, "postures," and more. All you need is the desire to experience the Mass in a different manner, and to grow in self-confidence.
A great opportunity exists for families (parent and children) to serve together.
To learn more, call the office, 440‑327‑1978, or email sjbschedules@yahoo.com. Please include your name and contact information (phone, email address). Please note, for students, contact information and all communications will be with a parent or guardian.
How Can I Volunteer?
Call the office or email sjbschedules@yahoo.com if you'd like to become an altar server.
Current Schedule:
See the Ministry Schedules​ page.
Children's Liturgy of the Word (CLOW)
With Covid, we have had to cancel the offering of CLOW. As we look to find a new team to lead this ministry for our little children, please let us know if you are interested.
CLOW instructs and guides our youngest members of the parish in the Sunday readings, explaining to them what the Word means and how it affects us in today's world, in our daily lives, and the lives of others.
CLOW meets during the readings and before the offertory during 11:00 Sunday Mass. When PSR is in session, it meets the second through the last Sunday of the month; the remainder of the year, it meets weekly. CLOW does not meet on Palm Sunday, Easter Sunday, or during the Parish Anniversary Mass.
How Can I Volunteer?
Contact our PSR principal, Kelly Reed, 440‑327‑1978, stjbcyouth@gmail.com
Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist
Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist assist the celebrant in the distribution of Holy Communion at liturgical services. Some ministers act as our "Traveling EM" and their role at Mass is to go to those who are in the church but not able to process forward due to mobility issues and also provide communion to our music ministry.
Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist also take Communion on Sunday to members of the parish who are ill and/or homebound, so that they may more fully participate with the gathered community. If you are unable to attend Mass and receive Holy Communion, but would like to do so, please contact the office.
How Can I Volunteer?
Call the office or email sjbschedules@yahoo.com if you'd like to become an Extraordinary Minister of the Eucharist. Training is required and scheduled throughout the year by the Diocese. Once the session by the diocese is taken, an inhouse training and opportunity to practice and ask questions at our parish is coordinated. You will then be scheduled to offer this ministry at our parish.
Current Schedule:
See the Ministry Schedules​ page.
Lectors are responsible for proclaiming the Word of God in line with the Church instructions. Training and preparation workbooks are provided so that you are comfortable in this important ministry.
Lectors also read any important announcements before Mass begins and dependent on the Mass, may assist in the Prayers of the Faithful as well as reciting a Spiritual Communion prayer.
How Can I Volunteer?
Call the office or email sjbschedules@yahoo.com if you'd like to become a lector.
Current Schedule:
See the Ministry Schedules​ page.
Ministers of Hospitality
Greeters at St. Julie’s are visible at every liturgy to offer a warm welcome to all. They have several additional responsibilities:
Assist with seating parishioners before and at the beginning of Mass.
Help find a family to bring up the offertory gifts
Count Mass attendees
Pass the offertory baskets
Usher people for Communion
Distribute bulletins after Mass
​Ushers usually cover a Mass one or two times a month.
How Can I Volunteer?
Call Ed & Laura Knoblauch, 440‑327-1978, or laknoblauch@aol.com
Current Schedule:
See the Ministry Schedules​ page.
Music Ministry
Mary Pokrywka, Director, 440-823-0497
Choir Website
The choir aims to use music to help us focus on God, prepare each one's heart for the Holy Word, and bring worship to God. The Director leads the choir at the 5:00 p.m. Saturday Vigil Mass and the 11:00 a.m. Sunday Mass, and leads the congregation at the 9:00 a.m. Sunday Mass.
Rehearsals are on Tuesdays at 7:00 p.m.
How Can I Join?
See Mary after Mass if you'd like to join the choir.
We always welcome new faces!