St. Julie Billiart
Catholic Church
5500 Lear Nagle Road
North Ridgeville, OH 44039
Mailing Address & Offices:
5545 Opal Street, NR 44039
Birthright / Christmas in July / Gifts for Baby Jesus
Although Birthright is not a part of our parish, our parish does support the organization throughout the year.
Birthright is a free pregnancy support service that will give you immediate and personal help with your concerns. When you call Birthright at 440-324-9566, a trained volunteer will listen to you. Those who talk with you have a sincere desire to help you deal with your concerns.
Birthright will also help you find the community services and resources that are available to you. Rather than duplicating the services of existing social service agencies, Birthright works with them to provide for your needs. If you want any particular counseling or agency care, Birthright can set up the lines of communication for you - in privacy, with no delay.
If you’d like help in any way, call Birthright at 440-324-9566 or visit https://birthright.org/Elyria.
St. Julie Billiart Parish helps Birthright carry out their mission by providing regular prayer support, and by providing material assistance including:
Helping raise funds with the Mother's Day Carnation Sale
Collecting new baby items as "Baby Jesus Gifts" at Christmas
Collecting new and gently used baby items during our "Christmas in July"
In addition, several parishioners serve as volunteers at Birthright.
Birthright is always extremely grateful for our gifts and support.
Birthright is always in need of:
Diapers (any size)
Formula, Bottles
Receiving Blankets
Infant Clothes (3-18 month)
They are always in need of gently used infant, toddler and maternity clothes, which can be delivered to Birthright anytime throughout the year.

Christmas in July for Birthright
A number of years ago, St. Julie's Rosary and Respect Life Groups learned that Birthright of Lorain County was in great need of many items used to make up Layette sets for moms who have come to Birthright for guidance and help during their pregnancy.
Since this was half way through the year, we decided maybe "Santa" could come early. Hence, our "Christmas in July for Birthright" came to be. A Christmas tree is set up at the back of the church, with Bootie Ornaments that provide gift suggestions.
Our gifts are collected during the month of July with the final collection date somewhere around July 25. You'll know where to leave your gifts... (under the Christmas Tree in the back of the church).
Sponsored by St Julie's Rosary Group and Respect Life Group.
Gifts for Baby Jesus
December 2020: Due to current circumstances, Birthright is unable to accept material donations. You still have time to send your monetary donation to Birthright. Please make checks payable to: Birthright of Lorain County & mail to: PO Box 812, Elyria, OH 44036. Thank You to all who participate during the Christmas Masses! Please continue to pray for all of God’s unborn children.
"Gifts for Baby Jesus" provide Birthright with new infant items to make up layettes for moms who have
come to Birthright for guidance and help during their pregnancy. Gifts for Baby Jesus are collected at all Masses Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. We like these items to be new.
Sponsored by St Julie's Rosary Group and Respect Life Group.