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Mass Times 
Saturday Vigil: 5:00 p.m.

(Vigil Mass is Live streamed & recorded)

Sunday:  9:00 a.m. 

Sunday:  11:00 a.m.
with Children's Liturgy of the Word for ages 4+



Monday - Wednesday - Friday
5:30 p.m. in the Church


St. Julie's Saturday Vigil Mass Online

To attend a livestream from St. Julie Billiart click Livestream

The livestream opens 10 minutes before the posted Mass time.


To attend after the livestream ends, click here.


Readings can be found on USCCB website:  

Prayer to make a Spiritual Communion


Saturday ~ 3:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.

Location: In the Library (by the PSR Office)

NOTE: No Confessions at St. Julie's on Saturday, February 8. Please join us at St. Peter's, 2:30-3:30.

See Fr. Bob's letter below for more info.


Wednesdays ~ 2:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Followed by Evening Prayer and Benediction
at 5:00 before 5:30 Mass

Ukraine Welcome Circle - Urgent Request
Updated February 5, 2025​

Our Ukrainian Welcome Circle and the Bryiovskyis need your help!


There have been a number of Executive Orders in the last week or so addressing Immigration. UWC Members have been in Zoom meetings as legal representatives of the United States Council of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) have provided insights into the impact of the Executive Orders. They also provided guidance regarding what information to share with our families, and recommendations about how to share. 

We have met with the Bryiovskyis and reviewed in detail everything we have so far. What they had heard made them fearful and the meeting helped to lessen some of that fear. We will continue to follow all updates and proceed as recommended.  This is the short summary.


Even though the Bryiovskyis came to the US legally under Humanitarian Parole, some of the proposed changes to Immigration could put their legal status in jeopardy.  Our family is currently working with an immigration lawyer to find options, as are many of the other families who came to northeast Ohio sponsored by other parishes.


So, how can we best serve them?


First, PRAY that the 7000+ Humanitarian Paroles who came to northeast Ohio since the war in Ukraine started are allowed to stay for the full term for which they were approved.

Second, CONTACT your political representatives and urged them to speak up and support these programs so all the families are treated fairly.  You can do this with a few clicks!

a.  Click "Contact Your Rep" below.
b.  A page will open for you to enter your name, etc. Enter your info and click "Next" to continue.
c.  The new page with show pictures of our representatives as well as an example email that supports these programs. Please personalize your message, then click "Send message" to complete.

Parents of Pre-K to 2nd Grade
Deacon Del and his wife Niki invite you to a 6-week video series, The Catholic Parent,
created by Catholic parents for parents!
Your children are welcome, bring them with you!
What: Social, Video, Discussion
When: Tuesdays, 6 p.m. - 7 p.m., starting February 18th
Where: St. Julie's Holy Family Room (just beyond the kitchen)
Learn More and Register here!
Questions? Email
Community Care Meal


Join us for a safe TAKE-OUT meal on the last Thursday of each month from 5:30 to 6:15 p.m. at the front door of the church. Our next meal will be ThursdayFebruary 27, 5:30-6:15 p.m.  (new time). It is no cost and no touch drive through. Please stay in your car and the meal(s) will be brought out to you by a volunteer.

We need your help to make this meal possible so please sign up in the vestibule of the Church, or call or text Joanne Pogros at 440-391-8984, to bring food and/or to help serve the meals and "deliver" to the drive through.

2024 Contribution Statements

If you would like a copy of your Contribution Statement for 2024 please contact the office via email,, or call the office at 440-327-1978. Please include your envelope number. If you have signed up for our online Giving Program, Faith Direct, your statement of giving will be mailed to you directly from Faith Direct. Please take note - all 2024 donations must have been received on or before December 31, 2024.

Online Donations - Faith Direct

   Did you know that St. Julie's offers Online Giving?  

We prayerfully request that you consider signing up for eGiving and setting up your recurring donation. You can use eGiving from your computer, smartphone or tablet for recurring and one-time gifts.


For additional information, visit our Online Donations page which is in the menu under Parish Info.  

From the desk of Fr. Bob Franco

from the bulletin for February 2, 2025
The most recent message from Fr. Bob is always available in the bulletin.

Dear Parishioners,


On February 2, the eyes of many people turn toward Punxsutawney, PA to see what the groundhog Phil has to say about the weather. Punxsutawney Phil may garner even greater attention this year due to the colder than average January we have just completed.


However, the Church turns its eyes to an old Jewish mystic named Simeon and an elderly prophetess named Anna. February 2nd is the fortieth day after Christmas, and we celebrate the Presentation of the Lord.


According to Jewish Law, a couple’s firstborn male child is to be presented to the Lord 40 days after his birth. Thus, Joseph and Mary bring Jesus to the Temple in Jerusalem as prescribed by Jewish Law. This ceremony involves a purification rite for the mother as well as offering a sacrifice that reminds the devout Jewish family that God ransomed his people from Egypt at the price of the firstborn of the Egyptians.


The action of today’s gospel focuses on Simeon and Anna, but the real star of the event is the baby Jesus, now forty days old. Simeon proclaimed that when he saw Jesus, he saw the world’s salvation! This Jesus is a “light of revelation to the Gentiles” and the “glory for your people Israel.” What began as the fulfilment of the Law for the Holy Family became a prophetic event that described a seismic shift in the ordering of the universe!


As we celebrate the Presentation of the Lord, let us pray that Jesus would be the light of our lives. Many people furiously sprint into the future, not exactly knowing why they are here. Jesus Christ is the one who sheds light on the why and how of life. No matter what Punxsutawney Phil sees this weekend, Christ’s light is unfailing and leads to peace now and eternally.


Next Saturday, February 8, I will be speaking at the Woman’s Fellowship Breakfast here at St. Julie Parish. Details are in this bulletin. My topic will be Bishop Malesic’s Apostolic Letter, A Flourishing Apostolic Church. All women of our parishes are welcome.


Regarding the football season, this weekend is the calm before the storm. There are no major football games on Sunday (I do not consider the Pro Bowl a major game), the week before the Super Bowl. With that in mind, I invite everyone to St. Peter Church for a Holy Hour at 3:00 p.m. As you may have heard, St. Peter Parish is celebrating 150-year Jubilee in 2025. The focus of the Holy Hour will be to pray in gratitude for what has been and ask God’s blessings on the parish’s future plans. All are welcome.


This coming Saturday, February 8, there will be no confessions at 3:30 p.m. Mass at 5:00 p.m. will proceed as usual. Fr. Isidore and I will both be hearing confessions at St. Peter Parish at 2:30 p.m. I will be joining Bishop Malesic as he installs Fr. Andrew Hoover (former parochial vicar at St. Peter Parish) as Pastor of St. Anthony Parish in Parma at their 4:30 p.m. Mass. I am asking those wishing to go to confession on February 8 to come to St. Peter Parish at 2:30 p.m. Confessions on February 15 will resume as normal at St. Julie Parish.


In Christ,

Fr. Bob Franco

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