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Faith Formation for Men

Men's Fellowship Breakfast of St. Peter and St. Julie Billiart
Next Breakfast - May 20, 2023 - at St. Peter's in the gym
Men's Fellowship Breakfast
Third Saturday of the Month, 8:30 - 9:45 a.m. -
Registration and Breakfast start at 8:20 a.m., presentation at 8:30
Walk-ins are ALWAYS welcome, but if you know you're coming, please RSVP by the Monday before the event so we have an idea of how much food to buy: Mike Jessup at

Meeting place alternates between St. Peter in the odd-numbered months (in the gym) and St. Julie Billiart in the even-numbered months (at the back of the church).

The Men's Fellowship Breakfast draws men in prayer, discussion, stewardship, spiritual development, and parish involvement.  The first breakfast started October 2010 and presently, the breakfast nourishes about 60 to 70 men per month coming from over 13 parishes. The program is open to all interested men. 


The Monthly Program:

The program is largely taken from “Reaching Catholic Men Guidebook and DVD set” at Recently the video topics have been downloaded from the Word on Fire Catholic Ministries led by Father Robert Barron at the web site of

Our Men's Fellowship Breakfast contains the following seven components to have the program end promptly at 9:45 a.m. :

  1. 8:20 a.m. – Registration, grace, serving the meal

  2. 8:30 – The host welcomes all; new attendees are introduced.  Attending clergy offer welcome and words of spiritual encouragement.

  3. 9:00 – Dining ends and men move to a designated table that was randomly assigned to them when they registered.   A five-minute witness or testimony is conducted when an interviewer introduces a parishioner who responds to four questions relating to the parishioner’s Christian life. This snapshot of the parishioner offers a brief sharing experience for the audience.

  4. 9:05 – A video offers a twelve-fifteen minute topic about one issue that concerns men in their Christian lives.

  5. 9:20 – A designated table leader at each table of 4 to 5 men opens discussion for about twenty minutes on two questions from the topic;  event information and sometimes surveys are left at each table for men to review at the end of the program.

  6. 9:40 – Discussions are concluded, brief announcements are made and an intercessory prayer circle is formed at individual tables and prayers are offered.

  7. 9:43 – In unison all men pray The Lord’s Prayer, Hail Mary, and Glory Be, and conclude with “The Thanksgiving Song After Meals”.  Often men are invited to take home free CD’s, handouts, and event fliers. A free-will offering basket is on the table to defray ministry expenses. 

Come and join us in fellowship - RSVP is helpful.

If you plan to attend please try to give an RSVP to Mike Jessup at, so that we have a better idea for food preparation.


Tell Me About Volunteering

A Men's Fellowship Team composed of parishioners from St. Julie Billiart and St. Peter Parishes in North Ridgeville and other attendees from other parishes coordinates the breakfast and program. The team starts the breakfast preparations at 6:30 a.m. and clean up concludes around 10:15 a.m. If meetings are needed, they usually happen while cleaning up and last about 10 minutes. Most communication is carried out by phone or email among various team members.


Team members volunteer for different functions including:

  • Being part of the kitchen team performing a specific task

  • Moving tables and chairs to set up or breakdown the eating area

  • Acting as Master of Ceremony

  • Handling registration of attendees

  • Organizing email announcements

  • Managing video equipment operations


The Breakfast team has a need for kitchen support to prepare and clean up the breakfast. Currently about 6 members work in the kitchen, with expanded attendee attendance there is a need for another 6 persons to back up the work. Any adult men can join the team or attend the breakfast.


To join the Breakfast Team, contact Ed Kollin,


Men Inspiring Men
Men Inspiring Men


The North Ridgeville Knights of Columbus Council #7970 in collaboration with The Men's Breakfast of St. Peter and St. Julie Billiart annually present a retreat day of recollection titled "Men Inspiring Men" at St. Julie Billart Parish. Attending “Men Inspiring Men” is a blessing, with the presence of faithful friends to provide the encouragement and accountability to our faith. Indeed, as the Scriptures tell us, “As iron sharpens iron, so one man must 'sharpen another'.” (Proverbs 27:17).


How Does it Work?

The Men Inspiring Men retreat is held prior to or within the first weeks of Lent annually. The MIM Day of Reflection is held at St. Julie Billiart where scheduling and the facilities are easily adjusted if last minute conflicts come up. In the past retreat thirty three men attended from over 13 different parishes.


At the MIM Day of Reflection a theme is designed with several clergy speakers presenting subjects and their discussion. The retreat day begins at 9:00 a.m. (8:45 check-in) and runs until 4:00 p.m. An attendance fee of approximately $15 is charged.


Who Can Attend?

Any male age 18 and over is invited to share in this uplifting and sustaining event.


What Can a Volunteer Do to Help?

A men’s planning team assembles in the month of September forming a team of six to eight volunteers to plan the next year’s day of retreat just prior to Lent.   Formation of the team is open to all and made through church bulletin announcements and publicity through the North Ridgeville Knights of Columbus and Men’s Fellowship Breakfast.


​The planning team will meet six to eight times for the scheduling of supplies and recruiting speakers for the Saturday event. Assignments are made to individual skills and interest in carrying out the event. Duties include ... 

  • Setting up a menu and ordering food

  • Selecting available speakers and the topics the speaker may present

  • Setting up publicity for the event through web page announcements, church bulletins, and flyers to pass out at mass

  • Collecting registration fees

  • Accounting of expenses

  • Updating an attendance roster

  • The biggest talent for a member is patience in participating in the team meeting.



Ed Kollin,

Ray McConaghy, coordinator for the North Ridgeville Knights of Columbus Council #7970, 440-327-1978, 

Knights of Columbus 7970 Retreat
Knights of Columbus Council 7970

To learn more about the Knights of Columbus at St. Julie's, click here.


Cursillo is held separately for men and women. To learn more about Cursillo, click here.

"Welcome" - the new name for Christ Renews His Parish

"Welcome" is the new name of the Christ Renews His Parish program. It is in the process of being updated, and we hope to introduce "Welcome" to St. Julie's soon! If you are interested in being part of a men's team for this program, please contact Peg Nolan,


Welcome - CRHP
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